Benchmarking suite

AI4HPC comes with a benchmarking suite to test the limits of an HPC system with the help of JUBE! Check ./Bench folder for details!


To start, initial step is to source the created environment by AI4HPC and setup the benchmarking suite.

$ source ../envAI_<sys_name>/bin/activate
$ python

Here, location of the dataset and the account name of that particular HPC system will be prompt. Dataset location can be skipped, but, account name should be given.

After the installation, the main folder should consist of

  1. benchmarked case copied from parent folder

  2. src folder from parent folder

  3. datadir folder

  4. general_jobsys.xml file, to be used for JUBE’s basis configuration

One can modify general_jobsys.xml for their needs. If satisfied, simply run the benchmark with

$ jube run general_jobsys.xml

One can also run benchmark on development partitions via

$ jube run general_jobsys.xml --tag devel

To check if benchmarking is finalised

$ jube continue bench_run --id last

Finally, the results can be shown with

$ jube result -a bench_run --id last

This will create results file result-csv.dat in results folder. One can use plotbench.ipynb notebook to visualise the results (as done below in Results section)!


AI4HPC’s benchmarking results on JUWELS-BOOSTER:

  1. Speedup ../_images/bench1.png

  2. Efficiency ../_images/bench2.png